My Story

My Story

I started in IT when I was 17.
I began an IT Technician course and I had no idea there were more Operational Systems than Windows. Yeah, I got to learn Linux and some others hahahaha.

My favorite class was programming. I was so amused by learning and coding. I also liked database a lot. And my intention was always to become a Software Developer.

I started working right away and it was really good for my career. It helped me understand what I liked and disliked and what I wanted and what I didn’t want. Well, things change, my opinion and desires changed. But still, if I may give you an advice: start early. 🙂

I started working with IT support, fixing printers, installing softwares, formatting computers, and after around 5 years I moved to software testing. My new passion.

In a few months (about 6) working in the Software Testing, I got an offer to build and manage an entire testing area for a pharmaceutic company in Brazil. I was 20 ish.
And I remember making the decision in a very wisely manner hahaha.
I was working for Powerlogic, a purely IT company, pioneer in Agile, hungry for technology, flat environment. And on the other side, the pharmaceutic company that was building that IT area, traditional process, bureaucratic… All these counted. But actually, my decision was made by passion, motivation and value.
And I’ll start mentioning some names here: Paulo Alvim, Izabella Fonseca, Ana Grossi.

Paulo Alvim, the owner. At that time, we didn’t have easy information access as we have today. He would greedily read a book in one night, one single night, and come up the next day with “an idea” that we should implement in our solution.

Izabella Fonseca, the Product Lead. She would know everything about you (and about the product as well) just by looking. Easy talking, she knew everything you needed. She fought for you, trusted you. She would put herself entirely into it. A great school of devotion, passion and empathy.

Ana Grossi, the Test Lead. Wise, precise, human. She was just perfect in orchestrating the team and growing each of us in our specific velocity. Always pushing with the right amount of pressure. And the most controlled person I’ve ever met. She was never angry or upset, no matter what the challenge was and she would come up with the smartest solution. Simple and fast.

Thanks to these people (and so many others) that, without knowing, helped building my career!

Staying there, was the best decision I’ve ever made.

Well, I also left at the right moment. Joined some other adventures that allowed me experience different paths and continuously leverage my dreams.

I definitely love coding and software quality. But the days change a lot, and give us the opportunity to work with that in different ways. So, I consider myself lucky for knowing what I want, for now.

Nowadays, I live in San Francisco. I’m a Testing Consultant. I code, I teach, I learn. I work in a consulting company. I switch projects from time to time, and have the chance to work with different technologies, processes, people, culture.
Every need requires a different approach. And the beauty of it is that I’m constantly changing, evolving.

Some people like sameness. I don’t. And it’s all right. We have room for different desires.

What I always look for though, is that I keep moving by passion and have the same kind of people surrounding. 
And this, I can find only in a few people. Indeed.

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