Happy Anniversary
It’s been a year (and 2 months). \o/
So many things changed, happened. I can barely remember how my life was when I was in Brazil. I remember my family and friends, of course. But the routine.. the street names, the stores….
So, here I am.
I’m actually happy here, although I miss people in Brazil, I still wanna live here for some time. Keeping up the friendship through virtual media works very well for me. Once everybody starts visiting, it will be more fun.
I share a townhouse with a Brazilian friend, Luiza.
My roomie is a really nice person, same age, same ethics, same values! Great finding!
The house is quite good, I have my own bedroom and bathroom, big kitchen, big dining and living room. With a very nice basement (for all my stuff) and 2 garage spots.
The neighborhood is amazing! Down here, in Foster City, no homeless, extremely secure. 5 mins walk from Safeway, 8 mins from Costco, around 10 mins from Target, Marshalls, World Market, Home Depot. Ross, Trader Joes and Whole Foods are close too. The Central Lake is pretty close, part of the Leon J Reno Park, where we can find plenty of space for spending the weekend, picnicking, slacklining, doing yoga and meditation, reading, etc. There is a skate park and some courts (Bocce Ball, Tennis, Pickleball, Basketball). Amazing place. Not mentioning the lake itself, where you can do whatever you want in the water hahaha.
These days I’m not commuting, you know, but there is a bus at the corner and caltrain 15 mins by scooter 😀
I’m doubting if I wanna ever move from Foster City. hahah
Working and living in the US themselves is pretty pleasant. You work, you make money, you buy whatever you want. You have a good life. Different from Brazil where everything is unaffordable, even good quality food.
I can see my mentality changed a bit (maybe a lot), I can see myself more consumerist. It’s sad.
Since you are paid in the best currencies in the world, it also makes some trips easier.
The weather is nice.
Between May till mid October you can find very warm and clear days. You can wear shorts and t-shirts. hahahah
In August and September we have sunlight from 5:30 ish am till 9:30 ish pm. I think it’s funny.
And From November till April we have cold weather.. The coldest will be around 0º celsius. The average around 10º I would say.
Once you are here, you get proper clothes and everything works well.
We start to value more each season and its beauty.
I live close (4 hours drive) to snow areas, so it allows me to enjoy this magnificent (and fun) nature gift as well.
In terms of food, I miss the Brazilian seasoning, but most of the aliments I can find here. Industrial food is easy, there are a lot of Brazilian stores, I can find pastel, queijo minas, guaraná antártica, chocolates, paçoca, pipoca doce, doce de leite, etc. Vegetables, almost the same. The main difference I can see on the fruits, I couldn’t find goiaba nor acerola; maracujá is quite expensive and hard to find; banana and melancia taste quite different.
Cooking at home makes everything closer to Brazil’s taste. But when it comes to eating out, and especially me that is very picky, it’s hard hahahah. Cheesecake factory, Italian and French restaurants would always be my top suggestions.
The last 7 months, due to COVID, the work changed a lot.
The team changed, the pace changed. I’ve been working 12hs a day since May.
Good? maybe not.
But I’m enjoying it. It’s beautiful to watch my growth and happiness.
Call me and I’ll tell you more about it 😉
My life in an year:
1. Lived in San Francisco for 2 months;
2. Went to an Incubus show;
3. Surprised my family in Europe (and visited some beloved friends);
4. Celebrated my birthday in San Francisco;
5. Went to Brazil for Christmas;
6. Painted my bedroom’s door;
7. Bought my Tesla (a scooter);
8. Cut my fingers/hands with a knife every week;
9. Got my first visit (my brother) and did snowboarding for the first time;
10. Started Twerk classes;
11. Painted my nails myself (they are still not good);
12. Miss my dog;
13. Got in love (hahaha yeah again! and yes, still single);
14. Straightened and cut my hair myself;
15. Cooked my first risoto;
16. Lost 8kg.
Happy 2020!